Press Releases for childhood obesity

  • 675

    New Treatment Options for Eating Disorders Described in New Book, Give Food A Chance

    Eating disorders, especially anorexia nervosa, are now a leading cause of disability in young women. Starving themselves, binging and purging, or exercising compulsively can lead to illness, debilitating weight loss – even death. Now a brand new book, Give Food A Chance, offers a new approach to treating anorexia and bulimia.

    By : | 09-13-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 675

  • 552

    Children’s Apparel in a Variety of Fashion with a Strong Agenda

    Lil pumpkin is a company that makes clothing and accessories with an agenda that focuses on designing clothes that inspires children and parents to think and eat healthy.

    By : | 07-20-2011 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 552